Towny Guide
Towny Website
- Please note this guide is a work in progress and will be evolved with time. Please submit any questions or uncertainties to the discord so it can be added here. If this guide is unsuitable you can search the internet for better guides.
- To see the prices to create towns and nations, type /towny prices in game.
- Townblock expansion price: 500, increasing 20s for each new block.
- Currently the town size limit is 25 townblocks per resident.
- Town upkeep (server tax) is currently 2s for a town (no tax for hermits) and 5s for a nation daily. If a town/nation does not have money in the town/capital bank at tax collection time, the town will be deleted and all residents kicked
- The towny taxes on this server are collected at 6:00pm EST / 23:00 GMT
What is a town?
A town can be founded for a price, to start off you get one town block. A townblock is a unit of land, which is a minecraft chunk (16x256x16). You can view chunks if you hold F3 then press G. These townblocks can be customized with different plots to the (founder) mayor's liking and sold to other players. The mayor may invite players to their town and charge them tax. A mayor can also configure the town and purhcase more townblocks. Mayors can sell land to residents
Town map
Use /towny map to see a map of the surrounding plots
Selling land
The land is sold by Mayors to Residents that are a part of their town.
Mayors have a command used in-game to set the cost of all the plots that are set for sale hence-forth: /town set plotprice [$] This sets the cost of newly-set-for-sale plots, already set-for-sale plots keep their costs. If it is not set, the plots will cost $0 by default.
To put a plot up for sale a mayor, while standing in the plot, type /plot forsale [optional cost] The resident would then type /plot claim while standing in the plot to buy it.
Taxes are collected on the town-level from residents and on the nation-level from towns.
Any player can check the taxes which apply to them with the in-game command /res tax
Town mayors can use two commands to set their tax rates.
- 1. /town set taxes [$$]
- This can be either a flat rate (e.g.: 10) or a percentage.
- Toggling taxes from flatrate to percentage is done by doing '/town toggle taxpercent'
- Flatrate: This charges each resident of a town the same amount, setting it to 10 would charge each resident each "Towny Day".
- Percentage: This charges a player a percentage of their money. If a player has no money left, he pays no taxes and is not kicked from the town.
- 2. /town set plottax [$$]
- This charges each resident of a town for each plot they own, setting it to 10 would charge a player 400 dollars if he owned 40 plots.
- If a resident can't pay their plottax they lose their plot.
- Nation leaders can use one command to set a tax on the towns in their nation.
- This charges each town that is a member of the nation. Setting it to 100 would charge each town's townbank 100 each 'Towny Day'.
- If a town can't pay its tax, then it is kicked from the nation.
What is a nation
A nation has a nation capital (the town that founded the nation). A nation gives towns bonuses like extra available land for the capital (or towns if enabled),as well as free nationzone land surrounding your nation. Nations can also go to war with eachother.
Outposts are townblocks that don't have to be connecting to your town which can be claimed for a price. Currently 4000s.
Town Plots
There are diffent types of available plot types: Plots are designated with /plot set (x) A mayor can use /town set (x)price {$$} to set how much x plots are sold at by default.
- Bank Plots
- All banking(including town deposits and withdrawls) can only be done in the town bank plot. or the home plot
- Default Plots
- Shop Plots
- Players may put shopkeepers in shop plots.
- Arena plots
- PVP is on all the time in arena plots as well as friendly-fire damage.
- Embassy plots
- An embassy plot can be bought by any player, whether they are in a town or not. The townblock remains owned by the host-town and a mayor from the host-town can take the plot from the owner at any time. Embassy plots can also be changed into shop plots, allowing for larger shop towns, where many different towns' players can set up shops.
When a player leaves a town they do not lose ownership of their plots if those plots are set to be Embassy plots.
- Wilds Plots
- A wilds plot allows residents to destroy certain blocks. Trees, flowers, mushrooms and other harvestable blocks by default. It does not include stone, dirt, grass and other terrain blocks.
It is useful for creating tree farms, and protecting the terrain around a town, while still allowing residents to cut trees and explore caves.
- Inn Plots
- An Inn plot allows anyone to use a bed to set their spawn on death. The Inn plot will still deny a player who is in a nation declared as an enemy by your nation.
- Jail Plots
- Jail plots are designated with /plot set jail
- Players can become jailed if:
- The player's mayor/sheriffs send them to jail.
- An attacker who attacks a town which considers him an Enemy (Nation-relationship) dies in that Town. He is sent to the first available Jail plot of the defending town.
- Jailed players become unjailed if:
- they leave their town and become a nomad,
- the mayor/sheriff unjails them,
- the player pays a bail amount to the town which jailed them, bail price:50 (using: /resident jail paybail)
- they manage to escape the jail plot and the town and get into Wilderness.
- Jailed players cannot teleport.
- Jailed players cannot use Ender Pearls unless enabled in the config.
- Jailed players who die are sent back to their prescribed jail plot.
- Jailed players do not give monetary payouts when they are killed.
- Jailed players show their jailed status in the /res [playername] screen, along with the town they are jailed in.
- It is suggested you make a new town rank in the townyperms.yml called Sheriff, and give that rank the node. Newly generated townyperms.yml files will contain this rank by default.
As of Towny, towns (typically mayors by default, but possibly other town ranks,) can set a list of Outlaws. Outlaws are set using ‘/own outlaw [add/remove] [name]’ and the command requires the permission node. Outlaws can be any player and do not have to be in a town or nation. If the newly-minted outlaw is a member of your town they will be kicked. Towns that have themselves set to Open-status (anyone can join using the ‘/town join’ command,) can use the outlaw list to prevent these players from joining their town freely. Players that enter into a town where they are considered to be an outlaw will see a warning-title-message informing them. If a player is online and they are made into an Outlaw they will see a message in chat.
Outlaws can be jailed if they die in the town where they are considered to be an outlaw. This requires the jail.is_jailing_attacking_outlaws option in the Towny config.yml to be set to true. It also requires the person who’s done the killing to have the towny.outlaw.jailer permission node. It also requires the town to own at least one jail plot. By default only Mayors, Assistants and Sheriff ranks have the towny.outlaw.jailer permission node.
A town member can view their town’s outlaw list using /town outlawlist. Anyone can view any town’s outlawlist using /town outlawlist {townname}>/tt>
- Farm Plots
- A Farm plot permits players to only build/destroy blocks:
- Who can build/destroy these blocks is still determined by the plot's perm line seen in the /plot perm screen. This means that if B=rao, anyone can plant/place the allowed blocks in the plot. If the B=r-- then only town residents can plant/place the allowed blocks.
- If admins want, they can add SOIL to the allowed blocks list, which will allow anyone allowed via the perm line to also make soil with a hoe. By default SOIL is not included and only admins/mayors/assistants will be able to create soil with a hoe. Towny already protects soil from being stomped into grass, so soil will only return to dirt if it is not irrigated.
- Farm plots also allow town residents to kill animals in the plot. The list of animals is set in the config at global_town_settings.farm_animals. By default this list includes "PIG,COW,CHICKEN,SHEEP,MOOSHROOM".
Town desertion and plot unclaiming
Towny Town/Nation ranks and titles
- Residents: 1
- Mayor name: Hermit
- Residents: 2
- Mayor name: Chief
- Residents: 3
- Mayor name: Chieftain
- Residents: 5
- Mayor name: Elder
- Residents: 7
- Mayor name: Jarl
- Residents: 10
- Mayor name: King
- Residents: 1
- King name: High King
- Residents: 5
- King name: Kaiser
- Residents: 7
- King name: Emperor
- Residents: 10
- King name: God Emperor