Make sure you have read all the tabs on the site and have read the new player guide.
Apply on the applications page on Discord (.gg/wwUcwdd) with the format below.
Make sure you have read every page before the community tab. To prevent malicious users, your discord account must be email verified.
- MCN:
- RCN (This will also be your name on the discord): One word, no numbers, has to be a name such as Lydia, Aela, Hafjorg.
Try to avoid common/modern names such as Benjamin, Jessica. You may purchase a last name/clan in the shop. If you'd like, submit multiple names in order of prefernece incase one is taken or denied.
- Pirated minecraft: Yes/no
- Skin: Link of skin on Mc skin search or link to the skin on another site if you have a minecraft account.
- Your skin must be a humanoid (you can be an orc, or an elf if youd like until further notice), must not have stupid things on it like headphones. No rainbow/ unrealistic colours (pink hair). Must match the setting of the world (rpg style). Use common sense. Players who own minecraft may change the skin on their minecraft account and use that name or may provide a link to the picture for the skin you intend to use. Try to search something like viking, skyrim, etc. A basic person is good, as long as it's not modern or anime looking with huge eyes. You will be covered up with armor most of the time. Pirated players will have to browse for their own skins on mcskinsearch or use our list of potential skins (under construction).Here is a list List of Skins
on mcskinsearch which are considered good/acceptable. Note these may be out of date since people change their skins.
If you'd like, submit multiple skins (max 3) in order of preference incase one is denied.
- Country:
- Age:
- In your own words, write a 50 word summary of what you understood about the rules of Darkworlds and how it functions
Play with a friend! - Purchase in store - Free in Alpha/Beta
If you are accepted you will be in a tutorial spawn zone before being random warped to somewhere on the map.
If you'd like, before you leave the starting zone, you can bring a friend or multiple with you.
To do this, First purchase it from the store, then submit a request in the request section in discord in the following format:
Party request:
- mcname Party Leader (will be the one who walks through the portal):
- mcname player 2 (will be teleported to party leader) :
- mcname x:
- Once you are approved, you will be able to be teleported to eachother
How to do it
It's best to wait until daytime to walk through the portal. You will all need to be online at the same time to do this. The leader should walk through the portal. The party members should NOT walk through the portal. Instead they should type "/tpa {partyleadername}" (You can use the minecraft username or the character name to teleport). The leader can then accept the teleport request. As soon as this is completed, please make a request again in the following format:
Party completed:
- mcname player 1:
- mcname player 2:
- mcname x: