Please note! Commands like trade and towny require your MCNAME (minecraft username). If you want to add someone to your town or trade them, type /realname [playername] to see their MCN.
- /register [password] [verifyPassword] (Registers your account)
- /login [password] (log in)
- /changepassword [oldPassword] [newPassword]: Command to change your password
- /trade help
- /trade (mcn)
- /trade accept
- /trade deny
- /Towny help
- /towny prices (shows the prices to create a town etc)
Chat Commands
- Listening Stone Chat (1000 blocks):
/sc (stone chat) , /l (local) , /ls (listening stone), /lsc (listening stone chat)
- Town Chat, infinite range
- nation chat: infinite range
- /w PM [playername] [message] infinite range
- /r reply (replies to the person who messaged you) [message]
Economy Commands
- /bal shows your balance in the bank
Backpack - beware. Your backpack drops on death.
- /backpack Opens your backpack
- /backpack clear Deletes all items from your backpack.
- /backpack help
Cenotaph, read!
- When you die, items will go in a chest instead of on the ground
- Keep one or two chests in your inventory and when you die the items will go in the chest. If you do not have a chest in your inventory it will not work.
- Will not be created in a region where you cannot build, such as near lightworld portals.
- Chests disappear after 30 minutes.
- **The contents of your backpack will drop and not go in the chest**
- Anyone can destroy the chest.
- Disabled on aether, and god tree.